Saturday, February 20, 2010

So sore!

Thursday, I started doing yoga again for the first time in three years. I am so sore now! However, I have successfully returned to the gym (just treadmill until I lose about 20 lbs - I'm also going to start doing the stationary bike but someone's always been on it when I'm there).

Tuesday: 40 minutes walking
Wednesday: 40 minutes walking
Thursday: 30 minutes yoga
Friday: 30 minutes yoga, 40 minutes walking
Saturday: rest. I woke up with a headache, anyway. It's sunny outside so I'll probably go get some Vitamin D. It's 54 degrees outside and not a cloud in the sky! *sigh*

Also, the diet is going well. Eating about 1300 calories a day every day this week, except yesterday I splurged a little bit since James made fried chicken. Still, less than 1800 calories, I think.

1 comment:

the mom said...

Great job, Aud! You're doing great!