Thursday, January 28, 2010

endorphins rule!

today's workout: Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred, level three. after four days of not working out I feel human again.

tomorrow I plan to fit in a 3 mile run after I volunteer in Noah's class and before Claire comes home from preschool. Hopefully the weather cooperates! If not, I'll do a stairstepper workout or another Jillian Michaels.

made homemade granola and whole wheat blueberry muffins today. also have been making lots of beans in the crockpot to have handy for beans and rice and burritos.

tomorrow's goal: eat more veggies

1 comment:

Stargirl said...

Ah yes, I have recently rediscovered the Crock Pot. You know those molasses-y beans and sausage Mom makes on occasion? I made those last week and they kept me going strong for a ton of meals.