Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Prednisone woes

I've only been on it for a few weeks, but my doctor upped my dosage by 50% yesterday. I've got the "moon-face," swollen hands, appetite, flushed cheeks, dizziness, and nausea. Of course, those side effects may also be due to the Flagyl or Cipro as well, but I've been on those before and not experienced these side effects. My one consolation is that it hasn't made me totally break out yet--but the Cipro is fighting that battle, and I've only got three days left on it. So I have that to look forward to. So not only is my face BIGGER, but it will be pimply too. The kids will wonder what strange ailment makes me look like a freak... especially when the weight really starts packing on. I've got to buy fat pants today.

On the agenda today: pick up the rest of my medications, buy one of those ginormous pill boxes (this time I really can't keep the dosages straight without referring to the doctor's sheet), and check a couple stores for some clothes that I can actually fit into right now. I'm down to just one or two pairs of pants, and a dress. Unfortunately, this isn't the right time of year, so my choices are few. Wish me luck.

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