Saturday, July 14, 2007

Too long, bad news.

Yikes! I've been neglecting this blog lately, and I really need to start writing it on a weekly basis. I think it will help keep me dedicated.

Speaking of dedication--I gained 5 lbs back. grr. I was so close to my second goal (191) I could almost taste it--but instead, I tasted delicious pizzas and chocolates and ice creams.

Today, though, I was good. I'm at exactly 1500 calories, and I walked a mile. This morning I drove down to the Farmer's Market and parked a good half-mile away on purpose. It's funny how something so little as that can make you feel better. Anyway, I got some cherries and strawberries and a zucchini and walla wallas. And purple flowers for the kitchen table.

I'm hoping that after our upcoming move (in two weeks), and especially once school starts, a regular schedule will help me keep focused. At least, it did last year, when I lost the 20 lbs. Oh, and you know how the doctor's scale always seems to be on the heavy side? Well, I went to the doctor last week, and the scale 1) seemed accurate, and 2) showed a 21-lb weight loss since the last time I'd been in. Well, that's a first!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

21 pounds is a lot!

eh, what's five pounds? you're doing awesome.

I miss you! Give me a call on wed (claire's birthday). She loves to talk on the phone now.