Saturday, March 17, 2007

Spring has sprung, yadda yadda

Lost another pound (193ish now). Walked 2.5 miles on the nature trail this morning. It felt great!
Planning two hikes: perhaps one next Saturday (Horsetail Falls), and for-sure an overnight trip on the 31st. Anyone care to join me?

1 comment:

Miss L said...

Again, I would love to join you! however, there's that whole issue of the entire West that stands between us.

I've shamed myself into losing a few pounds - in a good way! I read that less than 1/3 of Americans get 2 servings of fruit and 3 servings of veggies a day. I love my fruits and veggies, but most days I didn't get all that in. so now on my weekly shopping trip I buy 14 servings of fruit (a lot! but so yummy), and make sure to get my veggies. it's worked - yeah, I'm a good girl ;)